Breast Cancer Awareness

Disclaimer: I am not a medical expert. This is based on my own personal experience. Always seek medical advice from a healthcare professional regarding your health.

Breast cancer awareness is not just for October. According to The National Cancer Institute, breast cancer occurs in about 1 in 3000 pregnancies, with an average age of 32-38. Also, only 5%-10% of breast cancer is genetic, meaning most breast cancer comes from environmental/lifestyle habits.

I have put a few points together to bring breast cancer awareness in pregnancy. 

1. Understanding breast changes during pregnancy: Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause breast enlargement, tenderness, and other changes. It is essential to differentiate between normal pregnancy-related breast changes and potential signs of breast cancer. 

2. Importance of self-exams: Encourage regular breast self-exams during pregnancy (and before and after!) to help detect any unusual lumps, changes in breast shape, or nipple discharge. If any concerns arise, it is crucial to consult your doctor and/or midwife promptly. 

3. Communication with your healthcare provider: Inform your healthcare provider about any family history of breast cancer or personal concerns. They can provide guidance on appropriate screening methods and frequency based on your individual situation.

4. Mammograms and other imaging tests: Mammograms are generally not recommended during pregnancy, however, there are steps to take to keep the fetus safe. Or your healthcare provider may recommend further imaging tests that are safe for pregnancy. 

5. Breastfeeding consideration: Breastfeeding is generally safe for women with a history of breast cancer or those who have undergone treatment. However, it is important to discuss this with your healthcare provider to assess any potential risks or precautions. I breastfed my baby up until I started chemo. One of my friends had one round of chemo before she had to deliver her baby at 34 weeks. Everyone is different. ALWAYS SPEAK WITH YOUR HEALTHCARE PROVIDER. 


Breast cancer during pregnancy. (2022, December 14). National Cancer Institute.,cancer%20during%20pregnancy%20will%20increase.